About Us

About Chiropractic
Located in St Petersburg, Florida, we proudly welcome everyone in our local community with open arms. Regardless of your age or specific issue, we do everything we can to kick-start (or continue!) your Wellness journey. Our top team of expert Doctors—helped along by our friendly staff—will ensure you receive the best, most comprehensive treatment possible to unlock your Wellness potential. Get well, Stay well, with B’wel. We look forward to helping you flourish!
Doctors You Can Trust

Dr. James Benzschawel
As a Chiropractor with experience, Dr. Benzschawel is committed to promoting optimal health and well being of patients.
Dr. Benzschawel uses a “whole person approach”. This approach to wellness means looking for underlying causes of any disturbance or disruption (which may or may not be causing symptoms at the time) and make whatever interventions and lifestyle adjustments that would optimize the conditions for normal function. Using this unique approach, Dr. Benzschawel is able to help you to accelerate and/or maintain your journey to good health.
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Office Manager
Mauris tincidunt condimentum eros eu fermentum. Donec vel interdum lacus, at placerat arcu. Aliquam tempus, neque et fringilla placerat, leo mi dictum diam, ac varius enim sapien at neque. Nullam ac dui semper mauris bibendum pretium. Vestibulum sit amet varius orci. Cras aliquam porta mauris, in scelerisque orci consectetur et. Etiam facilisis egestas nisi in dictum. Suspendisse pulvinar nisl vitae lobortis pulvinar. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Etiam massa tortor, molestie nec fermentum quis, suscipit et lorem.